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Ipswich View Room 5

Ipswich Room 5 is where we stayed for the night. Originally the site of a veranda where the early occupants and visitors sat around for a cuppa' or a yarn , now a section of this veranda converted into a cosy and carpeted guest room with a reputation of being very haunted. Guests complained of knocks and someone leaning over them at night who smelled of old perfume. "Armed" with only an EMF meter, a thermometer and a voice activated digital voice recorder we settled in Room 5 after a long yarn with the owners and the only guests, two family members who took up camp in the other end of the homestead. We had the entire area for ourselves. It was cosy and quiet if not somewhat serene so we went to sleep. The EMF meter started to go off around 10. 30 at night with again the strong smell of old perfume similar to incense accompanying it. That was the beginning of the activity that lasted until about 4. 30 am. An old lady leaning over the bed, occasional persistent noise of someone walking on wooden floorboards ( even close to the bed where we had soft carpet). We could clearly make out the sound of a heavier more determined footsteps of a man, lighter but slower footsteps and someone walking with a walking stick. Faint whispers and rustling and to our biggest surprise a ghost cat who's "meeooww" was recorded despite no cats around for miles. One of the more interesting aspects of this recording is that we left the additional microphone behind that would have been enabled us to record from a distance however despite our door being shot this cat was determined to leave his meeeoow recorded from close range. The EMF meter indicated 8 times between 10. 30 pm and 4.30 am. with temperature drops.The above picture is of one of the original occupants displayed in the homestead.