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Deepdale drowning site

Deepdale is a section of the Avon river used as a swimming hole by the locals. It is also a site of a tragic accident involving Ruby Ferguson, young daughter of Bessie(Elizabeth) Wroth and John Ferguson, original owners of Ipswich and one of the most prominent families of Toodyay. Both the Ferguson and the Wroth family had its share of losing many children. On New Year's Eve 1920 21 year old Ruby and her sisters went to Deepdale and as Ruby was the strongest swimmer of them she decided to swim across the river. As the water was calm and the opposite bank not far she did not hesitate and made it to the other side. Then on her way back she cried out to her sisters who were watching her " I can't go any further" then she head first (!) disappeared into the water and never seen alive again. Her body was found after organizing a search party.Deepdale is now part of private property and this nightvision snapshot of the site Ruby drowned was allowed by the owner of the property who was kind enough to come with us to the location. All shots we took showed large amounts of orbs and naturally it is an eerie place not for the faint hearted. We do not recommend to visit it without prior permission and escort as sections of the area fenced off with barbed wire and obviously you would be trespassing.