Following the local folklore we heard of the three old ladies asking for a "drive" from the bottom of the driveway from a guest of the bed and breakfast,then deciding to "walk instead". When the eager guest asked the bed and breakfast owner where they were from, she replied with the best answer she could give about non existent house guests asking for a lift "Oh.. they were from Room 5. " There is also the reputation of Room 2 where some guests not quite approved by the resident spirits regularly get locked in despite properly functioning door fittings, then the case of grooves appearing and disappearing on the old armchair by the fireplace as if someone was sitting there, knocks and footsteps around certain areas especially Room 5. A local psychic one day conversed with one of the owners like an old lady and informed her that she "quite likes the place and would love to stay."
Despite of all these there is a beautiful and serene atmosphere in Ipswich and their returning old visitors are harmless if not friendly.
The Homestead is up for sale at the moment but it will continue running as a bed and breakfast and I am sure that a couple of friendly ghostly old ladies and a ghost cat (will explain below) just adds to its charm and attraction.
For a booking call Carina or Greg on (08) 95744038
or fax on (08) 95744292 Email: ipswichviews@dodo.com.au